Energy Bad Boys
Energy Bad Boys Podcast
The Life and Death of the Chevron Doctrine

The Life and Death of the Chevron Doctrine

Energy Bad Boys Podcast: Everything you need to know about the demise of the Chevron Doctrine

We’re doing something a little different this week. Welcome to the first-ever episode of the Energy Bad Boys Podcast.

You can listen to this podcast episode here on Substack or watch the video below on YouTube.

On June 28th, the United States Supreme Court handed down a decision in the Loper Bright Enterprises v Raimondo case that has major ramifications for the ability of executive agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency to write new regulations.

In this decision, the Court overruled a long-standing precedent called the Chevron Doctrine, which gave regulatory agencies broad powers to interpret statutes. This deference incentivized executive agencies to employ overly creative interpretations of existing statutes to enact policies that did not have the support of Congress, like the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan.

While we are very interested in what the death of Chevron means for the EPA’s ability to enact new regulations, we are not legal experts.

So, we asked our friend Justin Schwab, a regulatory attorney who founded the CGCN law practice and served as Deputy General Counsel at EPA from 2017-2019, to explain everything you need to know about the life and death of the Chevron Doctrine maiden voyage of the podcast.


Click like, share, and subscribe if you’re glad Chevron is dead.


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: It’s crazy that the author looked at EV ownership across the states but never mentioned the fact that the states with the most EVs are the ones that mandate them.

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: It seems there is a pattern that electricity prices are rising in “blue state” RTOs faster than “red state” RTOs.

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: The Penguin writes another great piece about the disappearing wind and solar resources of Alberta.

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: “Since 2020, the share of Republicans who say they prioritize developing renewable energy over expanding fossil fuels is down 27 percentage points, from 65% to 38%. There has been a corresponding 26-point increase in the share of Republicans who give priority to developing oil, coal, and natural gas (from 35% to 61%).”

Hell yeah.

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Energy Bad Boys
Energy Bad Boys Podcast
Energy modelers Isaac Orr and Mitch Rolling talk about the energy issues facing our world.
We don't have a publication schedule for the podcast at the moment, and we don't plan to make weekly installments. The Energy Bad Boys Podcast will primarily used to interview guests about new developments in the energy and environment space as they arise.
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Appears in episode
Isaac Orr
Mitch Rolling