Thank you. This is good to know. The Democrats, to the credit of their political skills, manage to persuade voters to murder babies and avoid the real issues that can improve the quality of life for ALL. I wish Trump and Vance would stick to the true issues and stay away from the Social issues

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Do you think President Trump would be better on environment issues?

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Even after quitting alcohol four years ago, I am much more sobered by your narrative about Gov. Walz, Bad Boys. It looks like you two will have to be the historians and critics of political energy in the US for next 90 days. Thanks in advance, Steve.

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I was aware of Minnesota’s nuclear moratorium, which is nonsensical. What I don’t know is how much of the blame to attribute to Walz.

My impression is that Minnesota expects the other MISO states to provide the reserve capacity to bail the state out when its renewables fail to perform. That’s called freeloading. But transmission constraints may preclude that.

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Yes the PUC, all of whom were appointed by Walz, believe MN can go 100 percent carbon free and buy from “the market” when they need the power. Too bad it won’t be there

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Or maybe it’s not too bad as no market supply may just be the smack in the head these people need to wake up and accept reality.

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Going to be interesting, whether Walz becomes the VP or not, Minnesota is basically burdened with energy policies that will leave them in a black out and brown out situation on a frequent basis. Numbers tell the story as the EBB’s point out so precisely. The notion that MISO is somehow going to bail Minnesota out of the jam they created for themselves seems at best difficult to do, when MISO is looking for additional support itself. The policies that the legislature and Walz created will live with the residents long after Walz has retired from public life, whether the short term or the long term. Whether the citizens of the state want to hold he and the legislature accountable is up to them. One would think as they sit in ice fishing houses which are warmer and better lit than their homes, that some serious contemplation would follow and they do something about their energy plight! Don’t hold your breath either way.

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People have forgotten what energy scarcity feels like. They’ll be reminded soon

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I think there are generations that have no concept of energy scarcity, just like no life without the internet. Thank you for exposing the extreme nature of our MN dictocrat.

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I suggest the Sierra club and friends look into slash-and-burn agriculture and waste disposal practices here in the Third World where we don't have the gift of huge amounts of energy on tap, or where hydrocarbons are expensive.

Now imagine everyone where you're from doing that at home.

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Thanks for the information guys. I'd already learned to dislike Walz over the George Floyd riots and the miscarriage of justice in the trials of the police. I note too that he refers to socialism as "neighborliness". If asked to describe Cuba or Venezuela in one word, neighborliness would not have come into my mind.

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Great article Boys! And nice education to pair with today's Public article by Shellenberger. As many commenters said on that one, it's a wonder why Walz was picked. Good for GOP, but yet another bad sign that the Dem figureheads are puppets not intended to think.

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As a CA resident, I thought Newsome would be a nightmare pick, but this guy takes the cake. Just wow! How are Minnesotan’s not opposing these policies?! Maybe we need to extend the electoral college to state elections since it seems that complete states are being held hostage by the cities. Urban mob rule seems to be taking all of society down a very dark path.

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I don’t think most of us in Minnesota have really felt the pain of increased energy prices yet. Among the states, we are about 30th in gasoline prices. Residential electricity prices are not extremely high or low compared to other states. The same goes for residential natural gas. It’s only recently that the Democratic Party has regained control of the Governorship, State Senate and State House , so conservatives have opposed Democratic policies but are no longer in power. If we start experiencing blackouts as Isaac Orr predicts, that may very well change. Finally, the state is not being held hostage by the cities. The majority of state revenue is paid by the cities but the majority of state spending goes to non-urban areas of the state. I live in the Twin Cities and don’t mind this. Our state succeeds if all of us succeed regardless of where we live.

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I looked at my Xcel bill and saw it was 18 cents per kWh. That’s wild

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Ouch. I was paying a little over 12 cents per kWh for the past 3 years with Dakota Electric and last month it rose to almost 14 cents.

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Isaac: Got into a debate tonight with Omaha Public Power director Craig Moody. I had previously cited to the Board your net zero studies of MN and WI. I asked if he had read them. No was his response. I then reminded him that your studies showed forced blackouts in January. I had told the OPPD Board that would mean deaths. Tonight he said he didn’t care. I was floored. But that’s how these Greens think. We plebes are just collateral damage in their grand Utopian scheme.

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Sounds like he should be replaced

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I’ll just re-read this post Saturday morning to get my fix

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“People never lie so much as after a hunt, during a war, or before an election.” - Otto von Bismarck

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thank you for this comprehensive review of his actions as governor. one can only hope that the nation understands the implications and recognizes a vote for the Harris/Walz ticket is a vote for economic suicide. Alas, the Germans haven't seemed to have figured that out, so it's unclear we will either.

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You’re welcome!

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I wondered how long it would take for you two to chime in, nit long 😁

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It just so happens Harris picked the one person we had an entire rap sheet on to be her VP

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That is terrifying… and should be read by every voter before Election Day.

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I think the saving of energy has something to do with not sending people with covid to nursing homes. Energy now saved because it is now called the flu again.

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I can’t believe he didn’t get more scrutiny for that

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I told myself I’m too busy for all the Substack subscriptions I pay for. Well you guys are so damn good I’m going to return as a paid subscriber. Boar’s Head tag line says “compromise elsewhere”. Guess I’ll have to find another 10-15 minutes a week to keep getting the incredible content you guys offer up! Thanks for the great work,despite it being somewhat depressing…… the death spiral 🌀 is seemingly still in full swing by ignorant politicians and unelected bureaucrats.

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Hi Dave, happy to have you aboard as a reader whether for free or as a paid subscriber 🙃

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