Thank you EBBs. An article on Europe's energy can be read here, as I reported on Irina Slav's substack: https://www.politico.eu/article/europe-energy-bills-germany-brussels-pipeline-prices/ It seems as though the approach to the downward plunge of the vehicle that is Europe's energy is to step on the gas.

A story already related a while back on Doomberg's substack: in about 2005, through an odd circumstance, I (a complete nonentity, let's be clear) was at a dinner party in London's Belgravia, in conversation with a fascinating and charming man man-of-the-world who introduced himself as "a neighbour from across the square", who turned out to be the German ambassador to the UK. I asked him whether he thought the Russians would use energy as a political weapon (which I regarded as a no-brainer), to which he replied "no". To my intense frustration ever since, we got parted and I never got to ask him why he thought so. I note that his boss, then Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, made money from Russian energy, being on the board of Nord Stream AG and Rosneft. I reckon the final score was Nonentity 1: Ambassador 0. Funny old world.

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Germany trail blazes 'net zero' and Russophobia with the resultant effect on its economy.

But far worse is the UK who could see this happening in real time in Germany, and decided to double down in its efforts to go even further into the pit. Not that it had nearly as much manufacturing or heavy energy users to loose, but its now doing its best to finish off what was left.

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The UK has already lost most of its heavy industry.

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Your apt description of the Germans, “ insufferably smug about how right you were along the way” (perfectly demonstrated by the Germans who laughed at Trump when he told them they would be become totally dependent on Russia for natural gas), fits oh, so perfectly, to the climate fascists. Oh, wait, the German government is largely led by climate fascists. Go figure 🤨😂

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I believe that one of the reasons they couldn't bring themselves to reconsider the folly of their policies was they were terrified that if they did, Trump would have been proven right (he obviously was anyway) and they couldn't handle that. better to destroy the nation than accept that Trump was correct on any issue at all. and we thought TDS was rampant only in the US!

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That’s clearly insane, but certainly accurate. So between hating Trump and believing in the false god of Climate Alarmism, Germany, and others, have destroyed their own economies. And if Harris owns, we will do so here.

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Let us not get too smug about our position here in the U.S. The Climate Fascists passed legislation in Michigan that mandates our grid be run on 100% renewable energy (mainly wind and solar) by 2040. The EBBs audited this legislation and warn of sky-high power rates and blackouts on the horizon. We are following Germany's path to ruin.

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...and might accelerate our "progress" along this path after our elections.

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god forbid

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You can’t fix stupid

The Germans seem to be the smartest dumb people in the world.

To update an old joke, communism/green energy transition is such garbage that even the Germans cannot make it work.

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Who is serving the demand for steel as Germany steps out of the market? I hope someone is competing with China. In the high pressure steel pipe market, Chinese made pipe was always considered suspect. If you work around those pipes you are literally betting your life on that quality .

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Not sure but it’s probably China

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I don't get why so many rational thinkers such as "the Energy Bad Boys" write about the destruction of the world economies caused by environmental policies. That's the success of environmental policies, they work, they terrific for that. People being impoverished is another success. When will the morality of environmentalism, not only the logistics, take it's place in the importance of proving just how deadly the environmental movement is.

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Germans need to stop reliving the Pied Piper of Hamelin trope, i.e. vote the rats into office, then you have rat problems, but it's tough to vote them out. Viel Glück Deutschland

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Great work, gents!

We all hate politics, but here is an aside that everyone should ponder because these things are always in play. This is Mike Benz and he has credibility(@MikeBenzCyber) and is worth the 12 minute overview:


There are reasons we pushed war in Ukraine. We.

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I mean yeah, oil has to flow. but we should be encouraging domestic producers instead of feeding the war pigs. but I don't know much tbh, just off the cuff view

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Great article, comprehensive.

If I lived in Germany and could not leave, I would become a prepper.

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The Greens in Germany are the quintessential Neoliberals. They are the pro-War party, pro-censorship, anti-free speech, pro-enforced poverty, pro-overregulation, pro-lockdown, pro-draconian Covid policy, pro-vaccine mandates, anti-Russia. They seem to be trying to start WW3 with their anti-Russia rhetoric.

The Green movement is about entrenching a Nazi style fascist Totalitarian eco-state. A movement that has been hijacked and embraced by the Malthusian Club-of-Rome Bankster Overlords. Where do you think Greenpeace Int'l, based in Germany, gets its incredible $400M/yr from?

In actual fact, the Green movement in Germany is an Ecofascist movement that began with Nazis in WW2 Germany and after the war Nazism morphed into Ecofascism.:

“Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?”

– Maurice Strong, founder of UNEP (United Nations Environmental Program)

All Ecofascists see Nuclear power as their archenemy. Because Nuclear power can easily power our civilization, with a high energy consumption and a high standard of living for essentially forever, with negligible environmental harm. At least for 100 Myrs with Earth resources. That destroys the scarcity, "Limits of Growth" dogma of the Club-of-Rome Malthusian Psychopaths. They just can't allow that.

Seems curious to me all these efforts by Ukraine to attack Nuclear Power plants. And it was admitted by captured Ukrainian soldiers that the primary goal of the Kursk incursion was to attack the Kursk NPPs, which are still of the Chernobyl variety, 2 of RMBK-1000s, without a containment building. Trying to discredit Nuclear power by deliberately creating another Chernobyl X2?

Eco-fascism: “… A totalitarian government that requires individuals to sacrifice their interests to the well-being and glory of the “land”, understood as the splendid web of life, or the organic whole of nature, including peoples and their states”.

Ecofascism: Lessons from the German Experience, Janet Biehl and Peter Staudenmaier

Fascist Ecology: The “Green Wing” of the Nazi Party and its Historical Antecedents, by Peter Staudenmaier:


Dark Green II: Roots of Eco-Fascism:


William Kay on Ecofascism and Nazi Germany:


The Roots Of Modern Eco-Terrorism: From MK Ultra And The Unabomber To Maurice Strong And Yuval Harari, Matthew Ehret:


"...World Wildlife Fund (WWF) president Philip Mountbatten who stated in a 1981 interview with People magazine: “Human population growth is probably the single most serious long-term threat to survival. We’re in for a major disaster if it isn’t curbed—not just for the natural world, but for the human world. The more people there are, the more resources they’ll consume, the more pollution they’ll create, the more fighting they’ll do. We have no option. If it isn’t controlled voluntarily, it will be controlled involuntarily.”..."

William Kay on Ecofascism and Landlordism:


The Ecofascist agenda exists because it has been foisted upon us by the Globalist Central Bank Club-of-Rome Malthusian Parasite Psychopaths. Malthusianism has always been used by the welfare bum Banksters as a way to justify their extraordinary wealth & power. "Its for the good of the Environment".

Davos has been instigating this ecofascism Worldwide and milking Climate Change as the best invented crisis ever to justify their vision of a World Totalitarian Neo-feudal State in which us lowly serfs live in forced poverty, even subject to a population reduction genocide. While this ruling class lives in the lap of luxury, exempt from even the rule of law.

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Great piece. Thank you!

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Small businesses are the backbone of any economy. When energy burdened, they have less disposable income to bolster consumer sentiment. However, at $10.23/MMBtu, German natural gas is still below the U.S at $13/MMBtu. Therefore, the price of energy isn't painting the entire picture. But what are some of the solutions Germany has at their disposal? Here:

1. Russia went through great pains of securing Germany's natural gas supplies for decades. You don't throw that down the drain due to their choices in foreign policy. In the 21st century, states must learn to support without burdening themselves with the affairs of other nations. There are better tools in our toolbox to ensure we secure our interests but not at the expense of our citizens.

2.If clean energy is the end game, then we must adopt a progressive approach to transition. Intermittents, with capacity factors under 45% are a stopgap, not sustainable in the long term. Get out of the way of your industries and allow them the option of securing their own energy supplies that will keep their engines running and citizens employed. The state's heavy hand on the private sector will continue to drive industry to more fruitful pastures.

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The deindustrialization of Germany under the Socialist Energiewende is a modern tragedy. The final third of CGNP's opposition to the WWGPI outlines Putin's political machinations to make Germany dependent on Russian natural gas for geopolitical advantage. CGNP's May 8, 2024 opposition statement is here: https://tinyurl.com/WWGPI-Opposed

(The WWGPI is multi-billionaire Warren Buffett's plan to shut down Diablo Canyon Power Plant and replace it with mostly Wyoming coal-fired generation. This Buffett plan will lead to higher emissions, higher prices, and more industry leaving California. Shades of Germany! CGNP is one of the organizations fighting this destructive plan. )

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I have wondered for a long time if Angela Merkel was actually a Russian agent, hailing from East Germany and despite her engineering background, actively dismantling the entire German energy complex. why else would she have done that?

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Great title.

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